
POUŠTĚ-MOKROVRATY: Seminář Život se zdravými kopyty 21.-23. ÚNORA 2025

04.01.2025 19:01
Ve dnech 21.-23. ÚNORA se uskuteční další seminář Život se zdravými kopyty. Místo kurzu: POUŠTĚ-MOKROVRATY u Dobříše,   Seminář vás uvede do...

ZMĚNA TERMÍNU !!! Seminář Život se zdravými kopyty 1.-3. LISTOPADU 2024

16.07.2024 12:47
Ve dnech 1.-3. LISTOPADU se uskuteční další seminář Život se zdravými kopyty. Institut celostní péče o koně,o.p.s. Statek Malčany, obec Čím (okr.Příbram) na Google maps k nalezení pod Čím...

SLAPY: Seminář Život se zdravými kopyty 31. KVĚTNA.-2. ČERVNA 2024

28.03.2024 14:01
Ve dnech 31. KVĚTNA.-2. ČERVNA se uskuteční další seminář Život se zdravými kopyty. Institut celostní péče o koně,o.p.s. Statek Malčany, obec Čím (okr.Příbram) na Google maps k nalezení pod...
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Zdravý kůň má zdravá kopyta

Koně jsou tvorové, kteří stejně jako psi provázejí člověka již několik tisíciletí. Lidé využívali a využívají jejich sílu, schopnosti a ochotu spolupracovat. Bohužel pro koně, stále ještě nerespektují jejich přirozené potřeby.


Nejdůležitější zásadou, kterou Dr. Strasser jako zvěrolékařka vytýčila pro léčení problémů, je

odstranění problémů místo léčby příznaků

Jeden bývalý žák přeložil toto lékařské pravidlo do latiny a vytesal do desky:

Doslovně přeloženo to znamená: „Odstraň příčinu, praví Strasser“.

Ošetřujeme – li něco lékařsky, aniž bychom se starali o odstranění příčiny, dopouštíme se systémové chyby! Většina příčin spočívá v podmínkách držení zvířat a v chybném ošetřování kopyt, z větší části v podkování.

Vysvětlení těchto věcí poskytují naše semináře a v zevrubnější podobě naše vyškolení na ošetřovatele kopyt.

Institut celostní péče o koně, o.p.s.

Metoda Dr. Strasserové

Metoda, kterou popsala, systematizovala a úspěšně praktikuje německá zvěrolékařka MVDr. Hiltrud Strasserová během 30-ti let na základě výzkumů, představuje celostní přístup pro chov koní. Ačkoliv je tato metoda myšlena především jako prevence obtížím, které jsou v dnešní populaci koní, poměrně běžné, umožňuje i částečnou nebo i úplnou nápravu již vzniklých potíží. A to i přesto, že jsou často konvenčními metodami považovány za nevyléčitelné.
Existuje mnoho způsobů, jak upravovat kopyta našich koní a metoda Dr. Strasserové je jedním z nich. Je však jednou z mála, které se nespoléhají pouze na dlouholetou praxi, ale problém zdravých kopyt zkoumá v souvislostech, pomocí vědecky uznávaných metod. Při výuce se zaměřuje nejen na "vědět jak", tedy na řemeslnou  stránku věci, ale klade velký důraz na "vědět proč", tedy na celkové znalosti o koni jako zvířeti i o jeho přirozených potřebách.
Pokud Vás tato metoda zajímá, jste na správném místě.


Toto jsou oficiální stránky kopytní kliniky Dr. Strasserové, provozované s jejím schválením.

Dotazy a názory

Datum: 02.02.2022

Vložil: MalcolmAlord

Titulek: Test, just a test

Hello. And Bye.

Datum: 09.02.2022

Vložil: contactuodisx

Titulek: We offer sending newsletters via follow-up forms to the sites of business organizations via any countries and domain zones of the world in any languages.

Dear Madame, Dear Sirs!

Newsletters via contact forms to the sites of firms via any domain zones of the world.

website =» xn----7sbb1bbndheurc1a.xn--p1ai

This is a type of mailing using the feedback forms that are located in the feedback section of the website and filled by our programme automatically with a rate of a few thousand feedback forms per minute, while the alphabetic and numeric code from the pictures (captcha) is also solved.
After that, the e-mails including your commercial offers are sent to the e-mails of firms.
When sending mailing by contact contact forms, it turns out that each site sends a letter “to itself” and, therefore, all letters arrive in the inbox folder of the exact electronic address in which the business receives the correspondent emails.

Fast 100% notification of businesses and site owners about new offers.
Search of new customers that other types of advertisements cannot find.

Finding customers that cannot be found through other advertisements.

1.100-percent delivery of commercial offers.
2.Expansion of the client database.
3. Expansion of the your market share.
4.Mailings based on regionality and topics.
5. Sending letters to directors.
6. Conducting tenders and studying demand.
7. Conducting marketing research.
8. Conducting surveys and studying public opinion.
9. High-speed notification.
10. Cost.
11. Entering the international markets.

Competitive advantages:
1.When sending mailing by contact forms, all messages arrive in the inbox. When sending bulk e-mails, this can reach up to five percent.

2.When sending mailing by contact forms it is possible to send a few million letters per 24 hours to inbox folders. When sending e-newsletters a few thousands arrive in the inboxes, all the remaining ones often either do not reach or arrive in the junk folder.

3. When sending mailing by feedback forms an e-mail does not get blocked by mail systems because it is sent from different internet resources. When sending e-newsletters it is possible to send a few thousands of those but nevertheless all the IP addresses from which the mailing is sent will be blocked.

4. When sending mailing by feedback forms the minimum number of macro-synonims is used to form text and headings of the letter. When sending mass e-mails, it is necessary to use «macros» (synonyms) for each word and create thousands various headings.

5. Many companies try to hide their mailbox and only leave a contact form for contacting with them.

6. When sending e-newsletters, your business offer is delivered to every employee of the organisation, (which causes irritation) compared to mailing by feedback forms where the letter is received at the e-mail address specifically set up for cooperation offers.

7.half of business e-mail addresses are located on free mail systems, they are badly "searchable" by email, but when sending mailing by feedback forms through these mail systems, all e-mails are hundred % delivered to the recipients.

8. Only 30%-40% of businesses are published in the directories within two-three years, and the rest are already located in our VOIS databases and are waiting for your business offers.
It turns out that that e-mails of firms from directories are full of spam, and therefore they will not have such profit as when sending mailing by contact forms using our the newest VOIS databases.

9. Any kind of stop words in the headings or body of the letter can be sent through feedback forms. When sending e-newsletters, such letters either do not reach the recipient or end up in spam.
The list of stop words of mail systems includes almost all words and phrases that encourage potential customers to take actions.


1. Searching for new clients.
2. Quick informing of marketplaces about new business offers.
3. Informing directors.
4.demand analysis.
5. Conducting tenders.
6.Conducting marketing research.
7.Studying public opinion and conducting surveys.
8. Searching for clients in other countries.

Reasons for purchasing this service:

1. 100-percent delivery of your messages and business offers to millions of firms around all countries in the world.
Every site sends a letter to itself so all filters of mails are bypassed.

2.Mailing by contact forms is an excellent way in in terms of conducting different researches of marketing, surveys and studies of social opinion on any kind ofdirection and type of activity.
When sending mailing by contact forms, you will will be absolutely sure that your letter has been delivered to one hundred percent of consumers of your product and service and if a service or product is "poorly promoted", then the potential issue lies in in something else, for example in pricing.
At the same time, within one week you will see real demand for your services and products, you will not need to spend money on rent and other more expensive and time-consuming marketing events.

3.Mailing by contact forms is the most economical and quickest way to get your product or service to the markets of other countries.

4. Mailing by contact forms is an excellent tool for conducting various tenders.

5.Daily update of the databases, as more than 150,000 new sites, appear all over the globe every day, and you, in turn, get potentially new customers.

6. Full geographical scope for all countries of the globe.

7. We offer customers that you will not find through other advertisement.
When sending mailing by feedback forms, you will be able to reach out that part of your potential clientele, that are impossible to find in automatic mode in any other way.
For instance, you will be able to deliver a business offer to those potential clients that were earlier unavailable due to filters of mail systems while sending bulk e-mails.
Now, there is a paradoxical situation: businesses in the directories are literally spammed with all sorts of business offers while very little or no e-mails are sent to the remaining ones.

8. Unique technique of unraveling the captcha.
There are special services for decoding alphanumeric code (captcha/CAPTCHA). It costs a dollar to solve thousand CAPTCHAs.
Therefore, processing a million Internet resources our program decrypts 1 million CAPTCHAs, which costs 1000 $ only to decrypt captcha/CAPTCHA, and with our service this is free for you!

9. By ordering mailing by feedback forms, you are promoting your service or product not to separate people, but to collectives, for example domain .com, where more than one hundred and fifty million cooperational businesses from all countries of the world are accumulated (we have got samples of them from international zones for every country).

10. Mailing by contact forms is also a subtype of text mailing
E-mail that is linked to the contact form is the main email of firms through which applications and business offers are sent. This e-mail is also set up for phones as it is necessary to respond to the messages fast so as not to lose the order or the relevance of the business offer.

11. The base of countries also includes all joint companies from all over the world working with or closely related to this country, for example, national communities and diasporas.
Sanctions of search engines and mail systems?
These mailings are an alternative to sending e-newsletters, therefore search sanctions and "BAN" do not apply to them.
Mail service delivers the data of messages to the inbox folder, as it moves through the "warm channel" from the new IP address of the internet resource to the corporate mailbox of the same website.
In other words, these mailings "live in letters" and mail filters do not react to them, because mail systems have a certain trust in communication channels between sites and corporate electronic addresses.

You can buy our databases separately from the mailing by sending us a message by contact form.






The simplest text + a few headings, the main goal is to interest the potential client, and they will read the rest on your site.
Most likely, all ads on your subject are already on the networks, use the search bar and choose the most interesting ones.
The headings are substituted one after another from .txt file.
Only messages in the text form are sent, links are inserted without problems, they are all "clickable". If the future customer needs pictures or more detailed information, then you should forward the future customer to visit your site.

In the letter:
Text without pictures, since pictures do not pass through the contact form.
Your contact details:
Site address:

Fields to fill in:
Internet resource:
Several headings:
Electronic address for autoresponces:

website =» xn----7sbb1bbndheurc1a.xn--p1ai
Price List =» xn----7sbb1bbndheurc1a.xn--p1ai/en/price/

Záznamy: 693 - 694 ze 1180
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Výukové materiály pro studium ortopedii kopyt nyní vyšly jako kniha.

Knihu je možné získat v  Institutu celostní péče o koně .


Náhled knihy - klikněte na obrázek

V reakci na články a diskuze na Equichannelu, pro "nevěřící Tomáše" dokládáme existenci výukových skript v češtině a veřejně dostupné video s ukázkami vyléčených koní (v němčině).


skripta_obsah.pdf (1 019,2 kB)

 video: Katla-Fallstudie-Hufrehe-laminitis